Monday, September 27, 2010

Coolest iphone accessory Ever

Saw this and had to share:


What a DAY!

I knew this past Saturday would be busy but I had NO idea just how busy.

I volunteered to watch my friends 2 kids (4yr old girl, 1yr old boy) while her and her husband attend a funeral. Their girl and my 2 boys have classes at the YMCA on Saturday so it was perfect.

C (my husband) and I gathered all 4 kids into the mini-van and left at 905am. We where on time and in tune. With little communication we managed to take Bug to ballet while watching 3 kids on an indoor playground. Then take the little girl to swimming while he watched the other 3. Then grabbed bear for his swim class. C watch bug and the 1 yr old until the swimming was done. Then we saw some other friends and there kids and headed to the big playground outside.

While C and I where bringing up the rear with Bug and my friends 2, Bear fell. He landed on his face then his not so little friend landed on Bear's head! Bloody lip and nose. So sad. C cleaned him up while we all played then went home.

On the way home C went to visit his folks while I was feeding the 4 kids and then getting the baby down for a nap. The plan was for him to come back and watch the other 3 while I took Bear to the pediatrician. That didn't work!

Nonno's blood sugar dropped to 38!!! If you don't know it's supposed to be above 100 so 38 is a BIG deal. After feeding him lots of OJ and sugar they got it back up (thank God) and C came home.

Luckily for us my friend and her husband got to my house in time to watch the 3 kids while I brought Bear to the Doctor. Possible broken nose, no x-rays and hamburger for a top lip. We need to watch him for the next couple of days to see if any clear liquids come out of his nose or uncontrollable nose bleeds (joy). So far so good.

Oh and the clear liquid would be the membrane between his nasal cavity and his BRAIN!

We are all home and are friend's and their kids leave when the phone rings. Nonno is unresponsive and she is calling 911. I fly over while C and the boys nap (long day)

Long story short he is ok for now and was admitted to the hospital. Around 830pm Nana and I arrive home with pizza and to help tuck in the boys. I bring her home and have a glass of wine with C.....

Monday, September 20, 2010

Confusion sets in

My DH and I recently purchased a Nikon D60 D-SLR camera. He is much better at taking pictures than I am (so far). He has taken some great shots in the last week and put them on his computer. Where on his computer you say? I have NO Fn clue! So I can't post any pics that he has taken in the last week. This usually wouldn't be that annoying except we went to StoryLand last weekend and saw an old friend this weekend. I would love to post pictures of these events here and on my FB Page for my family and friends to see them but alas I can not.

So I got the camera out this morning and took some pics of a couple of crafty things I made to send off to my little cousins in the new Freshman dorms. While I was doing this my 3 year old asked that I take his picture and I took like 3 adorable pictures of him. Well I took like 20 but I am still figuring out this camera so only 3 are good. Now I can't figure out how to get them off this thing. ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!

So confused, I think I need to take a class or something.........